Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration Work

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project has formed the development aimed at building a global 1.3 mm Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network to capture the images of the black hole of our center of galaxy Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) and the active galactic nuclei at the heart of the Virgo A galaxy M87. More than 300 researchers from all over the world have participated in this large international collaboration.

On this page, I have corrected the work and publications in the EHT collaboration.

EHT Image Gallery

Black hole shadow image of M87 observed by EHT (credit: EHT Collaboration)
Polarised black hole shadow image of M87 observed by EHT (credit: EHT Collaboration)
3C279 jet observed by EHT (right) (credit: EHT Collaboration)
Centaurus A jet observed by EHT (right) (credit: EHT Collaboration, Radboud Univ.)
Black hole shadow image of Sgr A* observed by EHT (credit: EHT Collaboration)
Multifrequency images of blazar J1924-2914 (credit: EHT collaboration)

Outreach Movies

Some of uploaded M87 related movies are found [https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1-V4t_RRAbyRmaGQkgqQzA]

Sgr A* related outreach movies are found [https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/D-ldi9kBWr6JXt9WALU-mg]


EHT M87 results (collaboration papers)

EHT Sgr A* results (collaboration papers)

EHT Official papers

Other papers