NuFact 2022: The 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators

Kim Siang participated in the NuFact 2022 workshop and presented on behalf of the muEDM collaboration on the topic “Search for the muon electric dipole moment at PSI”. More information can be found here: Proceeding for the workshop will appear here soon:

Zhiyuan Scholar Research Program

An R&D project led by Meng Lv (吕濛), Xintong Cai (蔡欣桐), and Fangyuan Yu (俞方远) on the Muon Polarization Monitor for J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM experiment was being approved recently by the Zhiyuan College at SJTU. The project will last for 1.5 years and comes with its own funding for the students. A big congratulations!

New building, new office, new lab!

We have completed the move to a new building(李政道研究所张江实验楼) in Zhangjiang, Pudong New District! Looking forward to working in the new office and new lab (to be renovated) for the many years to come. More pictures below (Credit to my colleagues who have taken those nice pictures!).