
Journal clubs and study group

Group members engaged in a journal club discussion at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, critically analyzing recent advancements in particle physics.

Graduate courses

  • Work in progress for a course on “Physics with Muons: From microscopic to macroscopic world” (Fall 2024?)
  • Spring 2024, PHY6009: Scientific Writing, Integrity, and Ethics (for 2nd-year graduate students and above)

Undergraduate courses

  • Spring 2024, PHY1950: Introduction to Physics Research (for 1st year undergraduate students at Zhiyuan College, SJTU)
  • Spring 2023, PHY1950: Introduction to Physics Research (for 1st year undergraduate students at Zhiyuan College, SJTU)
  • Fall 2022, PHY2900: Introduction to Physics Research (for 2nd year undergraduate students at SPA)
  • Spring 2022, PHY1950: Introduction to Physics Research (for 1st year undergraduate students at Zhiyuan College, SJTU)
  • Fall 2021, PHY2900: Introduction to Physics Research (for 2nd year undergraduate students at SPA)
    • Major Research Areas in Physics (what are the exciting projects out there?), Research Methodology (how to do research?), Literature Review (how to read a paper?), Scientific Writing and Publish (how to publish a paper?), and Scientific Presentation (how to present your results?)
  • Fall 2020, PH0028: University Physics II (for engineering students)
    • Electricity & Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics
  • Spring 2020, PH102: 热学 (Thermal Physics) (TA of Prof. Hang Zheng)
    • 热力学 (Thermodynamics) and 统计力学 (Statistical Physics)

Summer/Winter Schools

International Summer Research Internship

TDLI Muon Technology Laboratory

We offer summer research internship opportunities for international and Chinese students. You will learn about the following items over 1 to 2 months in our lab.

  • Introduction to Particle Physics and Muon Physics
  • Introduction to Particle and Radiation Detection and DAQ system
  • Introduction to Simulation and Data Analysis Tools in Experimental Particle Physics
  • Measurements of the muon properties in a tabletop setup