Kim-Siang led a discussion about the topic “Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics” at the Friday TDLI Tea Time of the new semester in 2021. Measurements such as electron g-factor, muon g-2, electron mass, fine structure constant were discussed and generated a lot of interests from the audience.
Dark SHINE Simulation and Analysis Workshop II
Our 2nd workshop on Simulation and Analysis for Dark SHINE was successfully held at the TDLI! Lots of impressive presentations were made by the students ranging from software framework to detector design and event reconstructions.
Joint Meeting 2020 of Shanghai Particle and Nuclear Physics Community
Kim-Siang presented on behalf of the SJTU Collider Physics Group at the 上海物理学会粒子物理与核物理专委会及上海核学会核物理专委会暨2020年度联合学术交流会. It is a good start to 2021 to be able to meet so many experts in Particle and Nuclear Physics in a nice conference venue.
TDLI Annual Meeting 2020
Kim-Siang reported progress of the group at the TDLI Annual Meeting 2020. Research activities have been hit hard by COVID19 but overall we have made progress in terms of team building (Postdoc, PhD, Master and Undergraduate Students), funding applications (won several grants), teaching activities (Thermal Physics, University Physics II – offline + online), etc. Hopefully 2021 will be an even better year!
Poster for MOE Key Laboratory
We have prepared a Muon g-2 poster for the Key Laboratory for Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology of Ministry of Education (粒子天体物理与宇宙学教育部重点实验室).
2020 EMuS & MOMENT General Meeting
Kim-Siang talked about Muon g-2/EDM experiments and their requirements to future muon sources at the 2020 EMuS & MOMENT General Meeting. It is the first step in fostering collaborations between Chinese institutions in Muon Physics. For more information, please visit
Seminar at the 21st J-PARC muon g-2/EDM collaboration meeting
Kim-Siang was invited to give a seminal talk on the progress of Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment. It was a good exchange between the teams in the world working on resolving the muon g-2 puzzle. For more details, please visit
CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics – 8th All-Hands Meeting
Kim-Siang presented the current status of Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment at the 8th All-Hands Meeting of the CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics (中国科学院粒子物理前沿卓越创新中心, 第八次全体会议) at IHEP. Due to COVID travel restriction, the talk was given via zoom. Details about the meeting can be found here:
Our first SJTU Sports Day!
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and active in team building are very important in ones scientific career. There is no better way than participating in the University’s Sports Day!
NSFC Grants for Kim-Siang Khaw
Kim-Siang Khaw has been awarded NSFC General Program (面上基金) and The NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists (外国青年学者研究基金) starting from Jan 2021. These funds are granted for precision muon physics experiments in muon anomalous magnetic moment and muon electric dipole moment.