On Oct 23, 2021, Kim-Siang presented a poster about “Interdisciplinary research using muon as a probe” at the faculty-student exchange sesssion (2022年“致远学者研究计划”师生交流会) at the Zhiyuan Innovative Research Center (ZIRC).
Meng Lv presented his poster on the ” The ECAL Reconstruction and Background Rejection Rate Estimation in Dark SHINE Project” at the Chinese Physics Society Fall Meeting 2020/2021. Due to the COVID situation, the poster was presented online. His poster was highlighted in the field theory and cosmology session of the conference.
NuFact 2021: The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators
Kim-Siang participated in the NuFact 2021 workshop and presented on behalf of the muEDM collaboration on the topic “Search for the muon electric dipole moment at PSI”. More information can be found here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/855372/. Proceeding for the workshop will appear soon.
Dr. Cheng Chen and Tianqi Hu presented their posters about Radiative Muon Decay and Muon EDM at the 13th National Particle Physics Conference at Qingdao. Due to the COVID situation, the posters were presented online.
Joint TDLI & INPAC Summer School in Particle Physics 2021
Kim-Siang was the chair of the organizing committee for the Joint TDLI & INPAC Summer School in Particle Physics 2021 in the summer. It was a great success with over 20 lecturers from SJTU presenting frontier research areas in Standard model, beyond the standard model, dark matter, neutrino, muon, etc.
Recruiting 2022 PhD students at TDLI
Our group is recruiting two PhD students admission in year 2022 in the upcoming TDLI Summer Camp 2021. Inquiries about research projects and group culture are very welcome. For a quick impression about the group, please visit this video.

Virtual Workshop on Potential Fermilab Muon Campus & Storage Ring Experiments
Kim-Siang talked about using the muon g-2 storage ring to search for radiative muon decay and measuring its branching ratio relative to the ordinary muon decay. Current data from Muon g-2 runs can be used as a demonstrator measurement for future dedicated experiments. For more information, please visit https://indico.fnal.gov/event/48469/overview.
1st TDLI Career Planning session
Kim-Siang was an invited guest at the first TDLI Career Planning Session. He shared his perspectives about how to choose a research topic, what are the most important points in a PhD journey, and the importance of not limiting one’s self when it comes to the research topic and the location of the research to be done (using KS’s journey as an example).
Chalk Talk@ZIRC No. 31 – Visiting TDLI
Kim-Siang presented a poster about our research activities to undergraduate students from Zhiyuan College for their visits to TDLI(致远学子走进李所活动).
Tsung-Dao Lee Frontier Lecture and Special Seminar on Muon g-2
Kim-Siang Khaw gave a T.D. Lee Frontier Lecture and a Special Seminar about muon g-2. The first results from the Muon g-2 collaboration has generated lots of interests from the scientific community and the lecture + seminar series lasted for almost 4 hours in total.