J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM collaboration meeting and New Physics Forum

From June 11th to 15th, our team members Tianqi Hu, Jun Kai Ng, and Yonghao Zeng embarked on their inaugural trip to Japan. During their visit, they engaged in a variety of academic activities at the esteemed institutions of KEK, J-PARC, and Ochanomizu University, all centered around muon physics and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The trio further enriched these academic exchanges by delivering plenary talks in a dedicated session designed for visitors from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The narratives of their unique experiences during this trip are shared below:

“The J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Collaboration Meeting was an unparalleled gathering. It brought together leading scientists from Canada, the UK, and Japan to delve into the nuances of muon g-2/EDM theory and experiment. The meeting served as a vital forum for pioneering research, fostering innovative ideas, and stretching the boundaries of knowledge in this captivating field. As guests, we had the opportunity to tour the J-PARC experimental facility and present the PSI Muon EDM experiment. The in-depth discussions around the experiment’s design and diverse topics, including theoretical EDM, cosmology, and dark matter, enriched our understanding. The knowledge gleaned, particularly about the detector details, will greatly benefit my Ph.D. research project.” – Tianqi Hu

“Participating in the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM collaboration meeting presented a unique opportunity to understand the experiment from a student’s perspective, deeply involved with the Fermilab g-2 experiment. The comprehensive presentations and discussions offered insights into various aspects of designing experiments – from muon sources and linac to storage magnets, detectors, and computational physics. Having the privilege of delivering an oral presentation, I encouraged our collaborators to explore the nuances between the two experiments, concerning their physics goals, experimental designs, and potential systematics. The tour of the J-PARC experimental site was an added bonus.” – Jun Kai Ng

“The in-person collaboration meeting at J-PARC was a first-time experience for me. It offered us, who are part of the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, a chance to understand an under-construction experiment from multiple perspectives – data analysis, hardware, data acquisition, and more. The meeting’s presentations covered detailed aspects and latest updates of the experiment, along with two invited talks about the future of muon g-2 and lattice QCD calculations of muon g-2. Amidst the meeting, I gave my first-ever oral presentation. While it was nerve-wracking, and despite feeling somewhat underprepared, it was a significant learning experience and an enjoyable part of the trip!” – Yonghao Zeng

PPC 2023: XVI International Conference on Interactions between Particle Physics and Cosmology

Kim Siang recently took part in the PPC 2023 workshop (Jun 12 – 16), held at IBS in Daejeon, South Korea. Representing the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration, Kim delivered a presentation in the Flavor Physics plenary session, discussing the “Muon g-2 experiment”. For more details, please visit the event’s webpage: https://indico.ibs.re.kr/event/540/. After four years away from in-person international conferences, it was a rewarding experience to re-engage in this capacity. The occasion was made even more special by marking Kim Siang’s first return to South Korea since 2006.”

Poster presentation at the IPAC’23 international conference

Meng and Jiangtao presented a poster on our Shanghai Muon Source project at the International Accelerator Physics Conference (IPAC’23) in Venice, Italy. It is attended by over 1,000 participants on an island in Venice with lots of talks, poster presentations, and social activities. More information about the conference can be found here: https://www.ipac23.org/.

Workshop on Muon Physics at the Intensity and Precision Frontiers (MIP2023)

The Workshop on Muon Physics at the Intensity and Precision Frontiers (MIP2023) was successfully held in our institute from Apr 15-16, 2023. We had about 100 in-person participants, 25 plenary talks, and 15 poster presentations during the workshop. Cheng presented the current status of the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, Tianqi presented the status of the PSI Muon EDM experiment, and Meng presented the idea of SHINE Muon Source. Yonghao, Jun Kai, Guan Ming, Meng, Xintong, Fangyuan, Siyuan also presented posters on their works on the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, the PSI Muon EDM experiment, and the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM experiment. Our PRP and graduate students (Jiangtao Wang, Meng Lv, Fangchao Liu, Liang Wang, and Siyuan Chen) won one of the three best poster awards. A big congratulations! We also gave a tour to workshop attendees our newly constructed muon lab. More information can be found at https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/event/1465/.

SJTU-KEK Muon Physics Exchange in the Minhang Campus

Prof. Tsutomu Mibe (KEK and Univ. of Tokyo) and Dr. Yusuke Takeuchi (Kyushu University) came to Shanghai for the 2nd meeting (1st in-person) of SJTU-KEK Muon Physics Exchange Program sponsored by NSFC and JSPS Academic Exchange Program, from Apr 13 – 14, 2023. We shared our recent progress in muon physics experiments and had lunch together at the GIMLID Pizza on the SJTU Minhang Campus. Prof. Liang Li, Prof. Kim Siang Khaw, Guan Ming Wong, Meng Lv, Jiangtao Wang, Yonghao Zeng, and Zejia Lu joined the academic exchange lunch session.

Muon EDM Collaboration April Meeting 2023 at PSI

Kim Siang made the first international business trip in 3 years to PSI for the Muon EDM Collaboration April Meeting 2023 from Apr 15 – 16. He presented TDLI’s contribution to the collaboration on the topic of the muon telescope detector at the Nov 2022 beam test. The two-day meeting was very fruitful, with lots of physics and technical discussions and delicious cuisines from the PSI’s OASE cafeteria.

A setup for detecting atmospheric muons

After months of hard work by the ZIRC project team, a setup for measuring the atmospheric muon’s polarization is now operating! Looking forward to extracting important information for subsequent studies related to muon polarization.

Workshop on Muon Physics at the Intensity and Precision Frontiers

The MIP 2023 workshop offers a welcoming environment for physicists interested in muon physics and its applications, inviting both experimental and theoretical communities to come together and share their latest findings. This workshop aims to facilitate discussions on ongoing and proposed experiments, as well as to encourage participants to consider future possibilities.

Designed to promote thoughtful conversations and the exchange of ideas, the workshop provides a fresh perspective on muon-based experiments. This collaborative atmosphere ensures that all attendees have the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the collective knowledge of their peers.

Hosted at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the MIP 2023 workshop is an on-site event that welcomes all who share a passion for muon physics. Join us at TDLI, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and further your understanding of this fascinating field. The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Development of muon sources (MELODY, HIAF/CiADS, SMS, MuSIC)
  • Precision measurements (g-2, EDM)
  • Searches for rare processes (MACE, Mu2e, COMET)
  • Muon applications (muSR, muography)
  • Theoretical muon physics
  • Muon accelerators and colliders
  • Neutrino physics

The workshop is co-organized by the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute and the School of Physics and Astronomy of Shanghai Jiao Tong Universitythe Institute of High Energy Physics CASthe Institute of Modern Physics CASAdvanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory, and Sun Yat-Sen University.