Yonghao recently participated in the Chinese Muography Workshop 2024, held at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei from November 7 to 9, 2024. Representing our group, he presented the latest advancements in the Shanghai Muography Project, showcasing our contributions to this emerging field. The workshop brought together prominent researchers from leading institutes and universities across China to exchange insights on the latest developments in muography technologies and their wide-ranging applications. The event served as a dynamic platform for experts in muon detection, electronics, and imaging algorithms to foster collaborations, explore innovative ideas, and set new research directions. One of the workshop’s highlights was the presentation by the USTC team of their groundbreaking “Tank+Missile” muon detector system. This system drew significant attention for its ingenious design and advanced graphical user interface, which provided real-time visualization of muon tracks, demonstrating the potential for user-friendly, interactive applications in muography. A major milestone achieved during the workshop was the establishment of the Chinese Muography Collaboration Group, signaling a new era of unified efforts and cooperation among researchers in the field. This collaboration is expected to drive advancements in muography research and expand its applications across diverse disciplines. For more details about the workshop, visit https://indico.pnp.ustc.edu.cn/event/2930/overview, and the recording of the talks can be found here: https://www.koushare.com/live/details/38448.