Our group has recently participated in an exhibition to showcase innovations in science and technology (S&T) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). This is also a specially arranged exhibition to celebrate the partnership between SJTU and Shanghai Tech Museum to promote innovation and public outreach in S&T. We took this opportunity to present our newly developed muography detector with a live LED event display board to the public and received much attention, especially from the younger generations. We hope to promote this technique to image the city’s underground structure to prevent disaster. Jun Kai, Tianqi, Yingying, and Siew Yan served as narrators for our detector from Jul 11-12 at the museum. Yonghao, Tianqi, Xingyun, Jun Kai, Guan Ming, Ning, Yusuke, and Siew Yan were involved in developing the detector. Original announcement can be found here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ax8_iFvnaPjBfQ0VuUYr_A.