The Workshop on Muon Physics at the Intensity and Precision Frontiers (MIP2023) was successfully held in our institute from Apr 15-16, 2023. We had about 100 in-person participants, 25 plenary talks, and 15 poster presentations during the workshop. Cheng presented the current status of the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, Tianqi presented the status of the PSI Muon EDM experiment, and Meng presented the idea of SHINE Muon Source. Yonghao, Jun Kai, Guan Ming, Meng, Xintong, Fangyuan, Siyuan also presented posters on their works on the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, the PSI Muon EDM experiment, and the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM experiment. Our PRP and graduate students (Jiangtao Wang, Meng Lv, Fangchao Liu, Liang Wang, and Siyuan Chen) won one of the three best poster awards. A big congratulations! We also gave a tour to workshop attendees our newly constructed muon lab. More information can be found at