Kim-Siang presented on behalf of the SJTU Collider Physics Group at the 上海物理学会粒子物理与核物理专委会及上海核学会核物理专委会暨2020年度联合学术交流会. It is a good start to 2021 to be able to meet so many experts in Particle and Nuclear Physics in a nice conference venue.

T. D. Lee Fellow of TDLI
Kim-Siang presented on behalf of the SJTU Collider Physics Group at the 上海物理学会粒子物理与核物理专委会及上海核学会核物理专委会暨2020年度联合学术交流会. It is a good start to 2021 to be able to meet so many experts in Particle and Nuclear Physics in a nice conference venue.