
Dr. Siew Yan Hoh recently participated in the Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics Shanghai Symposium 2024, held at Fudan University from December 20 to 22. Representing the Muon Physics Group at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Hoh delivered an insightful presentation titled “Progress in SJTU Muon Physics Research”, highlighting the group’s significant contributions to advancing muon physics.

The presentation detailed the group’s involvement in major international collaborations, including the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab. Our group focuses on precision measurements of the muon’s magnetic dipole moment, contributing to anomalous precession measurements and beam dynamics corrections. New results, expected in 2025, are anticipated to improve precision by a factor or two. Dr. Hoh also discussed the group’s contributions to the Muon Electric Dipole Moment (muEDM) experiment at PSI, where recent test beam activities demonstrated a prototyped muon trigger detector with a signal efficiency exceeding 95%.

On the domestic front, the group has been prototyping a high-repetition-rate muon source using the SHINE facility’s electron beam. Preliminary results have shown a promising yield of approximately 10 million muons per second, supporting applications in muSR studies and muon tomography. Our group is also exploring innovative uses of cosmic-ray muography to tackle practical challenges, such as estimating tunnel overburden, further showcasing the real-world utility of muon physics.

The symposium provided an excellent platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Hoh’s presentation underscored the importance of fundamental research in solving complex challenges. It was a great opportunity to present our research program’s progress and to meet up with fellow physicists in the same region.

National Physics Conference of Malaysia (PERFIK 2024)

Hoh Siew Yan recently participated in the National Conference 2024 (PERFIK 2024), held in Malaysia from November 3 to 8, 2024. Representing the group, Hoh delivered two insightful presentations that highlighted the team’s ongoing efforts in both fundamental research and educational outreach.

Under the Particle Physics category, Hoh’s presentation, titled “Precision Measurement of the Muon’s Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments”, focused on two key experiments: the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab and the Muon Electric Dipole Moment (muEDM) Experiment at PSI. The talk highlighted the ongoing success of the g-2 Experiment, which has achieved unprecedented precision in measuring the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment, and its implications for physics beyond the Standard Model. Hoh also discussed the muEDM Experiment, currently in its commissioning phase, emphasizing its potential to provide groundbreaking insights into charge-parity violation through a highly sensitive search for the muon’s electric dipole moment.

In the Physics Education category, Hoh presented “From Clouds to Sparks: Scintillating Cosmic Rays in the Classroom.” This engaging talk showcased the group’s efforts to bring the wonders of cosmic-ray physics into the classroom. By using interactive tools like cloud chambers, spark chambers, and scintillation detectors, Hoh demonstrated how complex concepts can be made accessible to students. The presentation underscored the importance of hands-on experiments in inspiring curiosity and fostering a deeper understanding of high-energy physics among learners.

The PERFIK Conference, an annual event organized by Institut Fizik Malaysia (IFM)—the sole representative body for physicists and those engaged in physics-related work in Malaysia—serves as a dynamic platform for advancing the field. IFM aims to promote activities that further physics research, foster collaboration in education, training, and practice, and elevate the professional status of physicists. Hoh’s presentations received considerable attention and sparked lively discussions, reflecting the strong interest in both the technical and educational aspects of the group’s work. More details about the conference can be found at https://perfik.ifm.org.my/.

Test beam at PSI for muon trigger detector

Our group recently participated in the PSI test beam from the end of Oct to the beginning of Nov 2024 to evaluate the performance of the prototype muon trigger detector developed for the muEDM experiment. This marks our second beam test at PSI for the muEDM project, where we showcased an improved design tailored for operation in high magnetic fields.

A huge shoutout to Tianqi Hu and Guan Ming Wong for their hard work and dedication in creating this cutting-edge, highly reliable muon trigger detector. Their efforts have been instrumental in advancing the detector’s performance and ensuring its success in challenging experimental conditions. We will analyze all the collected data in the next few months to evaluate the detector’s performance.

Muography Workshop 2024

Kim Siang recently participated in the Muography Workshop 2024, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, from November 4-8. He presented the latest advancements in the Shanghai Muography Project, a collaboration with the Shanghai Urban Planning and Natural Resources Bureau. The workshop was an inspiring gathering, uniting researchers from universities and institutes to share their progress, alongside industry representatives who showcased innovative business strategies and state-of-the-art products. In addition to exploring advancements in muon detection technologies, participants gained valuable insights into geology and archaeology, particularly the history of pyramids around the world. A standout session was K. Borozdin’s timely talk on balancing commercialization and fundamental research in muography, which provided essential guidance as our group navigates this evolving field and strives to integrate both perspectives effectively. More information about the workshop can be found here: https://web.cvent.com/event/e1c94370-1e43-4ff5-a25a-c6b992afe6a9/summary.

Chinese Muography Workshop 2024

Yonghao recently participated in the Chinese Muography Workshop 2024, held at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei from November 7 to 9, 2024. Representing our group, he presented the latest advancements in the Shanghai Muography Project, showcasing our contributions to this emerging field. The workshop brought together prominent researchers from leading institutes and universities across China to exchange insights on the latest developments in muography technologies and their wide-ranging applications. The event served as a dynamic platform for experts in muon detection, electronics, and imaging algorithms to foster collaborations, explore innovative ideas, and set new research directions. One of the workshop’s highlights was the presentation by the USTC team of their groundbreaking “Tank+Missile” muon detector system. This system drew significant attention for its ingenious design and advanced graphical user interface, which provided real-time visualization of muon tracks, demonstrating the potential for user-friendly, interactive applications in muography. A major milestone achieved during the workshop was the establishment of the Chinese Muography Collaboration Group, signaling a new era of unified efforts and cooperation among researchers in the field. This collaboration is expected to drive advancements in muography research and expand its applications across diverse disciplines. For more details about the workshop, visit https://indico.pnp.ustc.edu.cn/event/2930/overview, and the recording of the talks can be found here: https://www.koushare.com/live/details/38448.

NuFact 2024: The 25th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators

Kim Siang participated in the NuFact 2024 conference at Argonne National Laboratory as both a convener of the Working Group 4 (Muon Physics) and a presenter on the current status of the PSI muEDM experiment. It was great to be back in the US for the first time in 5 years and to reconnect with many long-time friends from Japan, Europe, and the US. Apart from the rich physics program, tours for the DUNE cathode production factory and Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA), Advance Photon Source (APS), and Center for Nano Materials (CNM) were also offered. More information about the conference can be found here: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/63406/.


9月7日,2024浦江创新论坛(第十七届)在上海张江科学会堂开幕,并持续至9月10日。论坛主题为“共享创新 共塑未来:构建科技创新开放环境”。主宾国匈牙利总统舒尤克·道马什向论坛致贺信。上海市委书记陈吉宁出席开幕式并致辞,中国科学技术协会主席万钢,科技部部长阴和俊作主旨演讲。上海市委副书记、市长龚正主持开幕式。本届论坛邀请了300余位来自国际组织、顶尖高校、科研机构和产业界的专家与学者,共同探讨如何更好地打造开放、公平、公正、非歧视的科技创新环境。许金祥参加了2024浦江创新论坛的多个环节。

许金祥在主论坛的“青年特别讲席”环节演讲,演讲主题为《大号的电子-通过缪子探索微观和宏观世界的未知》,介绍如何借助缪子探索宏微观世界,“看穿”天地间。此外,许金祥还受邀参加了9月9日的“上海网络大V沙龙”,与市委网信办主任徐炯,市科技工作党委书记徐枫,市委网信办副主任、一级巡视员杨俊,市科协党组成员、副主席石谦, 市科委二级巡视员陈宏凯等,一起分享上海科创中心建设的互联网热议话题。许金祥以“缪子探秘之旅:科研、科普与科创的融合之路”为题,介绍一场贯穿基础研究、公众传播与科技创新的旅程。通过科研与科普的有机结合,不仅探索宇宙的奥秘,也为科创生态的繁荣贡献力量。并分享了自己在钱学森图书馆借鉴的感悟:科普不只是传播知识,更是科学方法、科学道德以及科学精神的弘扬。


Simon Eidelman School on Muon Dipole Moments and Hadronic Effects

Our group actively participated in the prestigious Simon Eidelman School on Muon Dipole Moments and Hadronic Effects, hosted by the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute at Nagoya University from September 2-6, 2024. Yusuke Takeuchi, Siew Yan Hoh, Yonghao Zeng, and Fangchao Liu presented their recent research on the SHINE Muon Source and the Muon g-2 experiment during the poster session. Notably, Siew Yan Hoh’s work on the energy calibration of the Muon g-2 calorimeter earned the Best Poster Award!

More information about the school can be found at https://indico.kmi.nagoya-u.ac.jp/event/8/overview.

ICHEP 2024: 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics

Kim Siang recently participated in the ICHEP 2024 Conference (Jul 17 – 24) at the Prague Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic. Representing the Fermilab Muon g-2 collaboration, Kim Siang delivered a presentation in the Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics parallel session, discussing the “Run-2/3 measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment by the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab“. He also presented a poster on the “Beam dynamics corrections to measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic moment“. It was a very fruitful trip as he learned about the latest developments in the field, some practical knowledge about detector developments, scientific outreach, and more importantly re-connecting with old friends. For more details, please visit the event’s webpage: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1291157/overview.

Exhibition at the Shanghai Natural History Museum

Our group has recently participated in an exhibition to showcase innovations in science and technology (S&T) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). This is also a specially arranged exhibition to celebrate the partnership between SJTU and Shanghai Tech Museum to promote innovation and public outreach in S&T. We took this opportunity to present our newly developed muography detector with a live LED event display board to the public and received much attention, especially from the younger generations. We hope to promote this technique to image the city’s underground structure to prevent disaster. Jun Kai, Tianqi, Yingying, and Siew Yan served as narrators for our detector from Jul 11-12 at the museum. Yonghao, Tianqi, Xingyun, Jun Kai, Guan Ming, Ning, Yusuke, and Siew Yan were involved in developing the detector. Original announcement can be found here: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ax8_iFvnaPjBfQ0VuUYr_A.