Publications- Full list

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* Equal contribution, † Corresponding author.

  1. 彭金波†, 江颖†
    物理, 2023, 52(3): 186-195(科普综述)
  2. Yusuke Arashida, Hiroyuki Mogi, Masashi Ishikawa, Ippo Igarashi, Akira Hatanaka, Naoki Umeda, Jinbo Peng, Shoji Yoshida, Osamu Takeuchi, and Hidemi Shigekawa†
    Subcycle Mid-Infrared Electric-Field-Driven Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with a Time Resolution Higher Than 30 fs
    ACS Photonics 9, 3156(2022)
  3. Jinbo Peng†, Jing Guo, Runze Ma, Ying Jiang†
    Water-solid interfaces probed by high-resolution atomic force microscopy
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 77, 100549 (2022). (Invited review)
  4. Jinbo Peng†, Sophia Sokolov, Daniel Hernangómez-Pérez, Ferdinand Evers, Leo Gross, John M. Lupton, Jascha Repp†
    Atomically resolved single-molecule triplet quenching
    Science 373, 452 (2021). (Featured in “Perspective” of Science 373, 392 (2021)).
  5. Chaoyu Guo*, Xiangzhi Meng*, Huixia Fu*, Qin Wang*, Huimin Wang, Ye Tian, Jinbo Peng, Runze Ma, Yuxiang Weng, Sheng Meng†, Enge Wang†, Ying Jiang†
    Probing nonequilibrium dynamics of photoexcited polarons on a metal-oxide surface with atomic precision
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 206801(2020).
  6. Runze Ma*, Duanyun Cao*, Chongqin Zhu*, Ye Tian*, Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, Xin-Zheng Li, Joseph S. Francisco, Xiao Cheng Zeng†, Li-Mei Xu†, En-Ge Wang†, Ying Jiang†
    Atomic imaging of edge structure and growth of a two-dimensional hexagonal ice
    Nature 577, 60 (2020).
  7. Duanyun Cao, Yizhi Song, Jinbo Peng, Runze Ma, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, Xinzheng Li, Ying Jiang, Enge Wang, and Limei Xu†
    Advances in Atomic Force Microscopy: Weakly Perturbative Imaging of the Interfacial Water
    Front Chem. 7, 626(2019).
  8. Jinbo Peng,Jing Guo, Ying Jiang†
    Probing surface water at submolecular level with scanning probe microscopy
    Sci. Sin. Chem., 49, 536 (2019). (Invited review)
  9. Jinbo Peng*, Duanyun Cao*, Zhili He*, Jing Guo, Prokop Hapala, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Ji Chen, Wen Jun Xie, Xin-Zheng Li, Pavel Jelínek, Li-Mei Xu†, Yi Qin Gao†, En-Ge Wang†, Ying Jiang†
    The effect of hydration number on the interfacial transport of sodium ions
    Nature 557, 701 (2018). (Featured in Nature Reviews Chemistry 2, 97 (2018), Selected as “2018 Top-ten Science Advances in China“)
  10. Jinbo Peng*, Jing Guo*, Prokop Hapala*, Duanyun Cao, Runze Ma, Bowei Cheng, Limei Xu, Martin Ondráček, Pavel Jelinek†, Enge Wang†, Ying Jiang†
    Weakly perturbative imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution by atomic force microscopy
    Nature communications 9, 122(2018).
  11. Jing Guo J, Sifan You, Zhichang Wang, Jinbo Peng, Runze Ma, Ying Jiang†
    Probing the Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Water with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy
    J. Vis. Exp. 135, e57193(2018).
  12. Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Runze Ma, Xiangzhi Meng, Enge Wang, and Ying Jiang†
    Atomic-scale imaging of the dissolution of NaCl islands by water at low temperature
    J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 29, 104001(2017).
  13. Jing Guo, Xin-Zheng Li, Jinbo Peng, En-Ge Wang, Ying Jiang†
    Atomic-scale investigation of nuclear quantum effects of surface water: Experiments and theory
    Prog. Surf. Sci. 92, 203 (2017). (Invited review article).
  14. Jing Guo*, Jing-Tao Lü*, Yexin Feng*, Ji Chen, Jinbo Peng, Zeren Lin, Xiangzhi Meng, Zhichang Wang, Xin-Zheng Li†, En-Ge Wang† & Ying Jiang†
    Nuclear quantum effects of hydrogen bonds probed by tip-enhanced inelastic electron tunneling
    Science 352, 321 (2016). (Selected as “2016 Top-ten Science Advances in China“)
  15. Xiangzhi Meng*, Jing Guo*, Jinbo Peng*, Ji Chen, Zhichang Wang, Jun-Ren Shi, Xin-Zheng Li†, En-Ge Wang† & Ying Jiang†
    Direct visualization of concerted proton tunnelling in a water nanocluster
    Nature Physics 11, 235 (2015). (Featured in “News and Views” of Nature Physics 11, 216 (2015).)
  16. Ji Chen, Jing Guo, Xiangzhi Meng, Jinbo Peng, Jiming Sheng, Limei Xu, Ying Jiang†, Xin-Zheng Li† & Enge Wang
    An unconventional bilayer ice structure on a NaCl(001) film
    Nature Communications 5, 4056 (2014).
  17. Jing Guo*, Xiangzhi Meng*, Ji Chen*, Jinbo Peng, Jiming Sheng, Xin-Zheng Li, Limei Xu, Jun-Ren Shi, Enge Wang† & Ying Jiang†
    Real-space imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution
    Nature Materials. 13, 184 (2014).