
I have written codes for data reduction and statistical analysis. These are open sources which can be used for free. Please credit relevant publications if you use these resources.

Origin of Oumuamua

This animation is to show the motions of stellar encounters relative to the first interstellar visitor `Oumuamua. The five slow encounters of `Oumuamua are shown in green color.

Stellar encounters

The above animation shows the motions of stars which are projected onto the xy, xz, and yz planes in the Galactocentric reference system.

Habitability network

This animation shows the network of habitable worlds in the solar neighborhood (<20pc) in the Galactic coordinates (L and B) if assuming every star has one habitable planet. When two stars is separated by less than 2pc, a line will appear connecting them. If they move away from each other, the line will gradually disappear. The orange dot at the center represents the Sun.

Oort Cloud simulations

This movie is created from the results of Oort cloud simulations which are run in the AMUSE software environment. Simulation of the Oort Cloud under perturbations from the Galactic tide and stellar encounters over 10 Myr with a time step of 0.01 Myr.


Agatha is an online app for the analysis of time series data. It is a framework of red noise periodograms and moving periodograms. The app is available at and at GitHub.


Required Python packages

  • Scipy
  • Numpy
  • Pyfits
  • Astropy
  • Matplotlib


Astrobridge by Fabo Feng and Lia Corrales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Based on a work at