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PhD and postdoc

If are interested in exoplanet, time-domain astronomy (or multi-messenger astronomy), astro-statistics, dynamical problems and other inter-disciplinary problems, our group would provide a great platform for you to pursue your academic career. Recently, our Tianyu pathfinder has been funded by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsung-Dao Lee Institute. In 2023, we will build an observatory in Lenghu, Qinghai, the best site in China for astronomical observations. We will use a 1-meter wide field of view telescope to conduct a high cadence photometric survey of nearly 10 million stars. With 0.1% photometry precision, Tianyu pathfinder aims at discoveries of solar system analogs with multiple cold giant planets and detection of transients such as tidal disruption events, supernovae, electro-magnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events identified by LIGO/VIRGO, variable stars, stellar flares, AGN and blazar photometry, etc. The next phase of Tianyu is to build an array of multiple 1-meter telescopes equipped with one high precision spectrograph (R~100,000) to conduct radial velocity survey of exoplanets as well as spectroscopic classification of optical transients such as supernovae.

The following topics (not limited to) are available for PhD and postdoc studies:

  1. Data reduction and data analysis for high precision photometry survey
  2. Develop transit detection algorithm for archived and Tianyu light curves
  3. Transient classification algorithm for Tianyu time-domain science
  4. Development of robotic observation control system
  5. RV data reduction and data analysis for exoplanet detection
  6. Develop exoplanet detection techniques based on combinations of different methods such as astrometry and RV
  7. Exoplanet population synthesis with both GI and CA simulations
  8. Topics on celestial dynamics and astro-statistics

To apply for the PhD program, you can check the SJTU postgraduate program described in and for details。

To join us as a postdoc, you can either apply for the TDLI postdoc fellowship ( or contact me directly for job opportunities. The salary is about 20,000~30,000 yuan/month (or 3k ~ 4.5k USD/month), which is well above the average salary in Shanghai (about 10,000 yuan).

If you are an international applicant, you need to pay attention to the Chinese policy about visa and Covid( As I understood, China will gradually ease up on the travel restriction and you currently need 5-day quarantine in hotel and 3-day quarantine in your home after arrival in Shanghai. Generally speaking, Shanghai is one of the most international cities in China and you will find your own community here.

For both PhD and postdoc applicants, please feel free to contact me at for details.