
My publications can be found on Google Scholars or ADS or Arxiv or They are listed in the following categories.

Peer reviewed (25 first and corresponding authored)

*Wang, S., Zhao, X., *Feng, F. et al. 2024. A potential mass-gap black hole in a wide binary with a circular orbit. Nat Astron 8, 1583–1591

*F. Feng, *Y. Rui, et al. 2024. Tianyu-Search for the Second Solar System and Explore the Dynamic Universe, Acta Astronomica Sinica, 65(4), p.34.

F. Feng, Y. Rui, Y. Xuan, H. Jones 2024. Modeling and Calibration of Gaia, Hipparcos, and Tycho-2 Astrometric Data for the Detection of Dark Companions, ApJS, 271(2), p.50.

Yicheng Rui, *Fabo Feng, 2023. Mitigating astrometric bias in barycentric correction with PEXO, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 4, 11288–11303

Fabo Feng, R Paul Butler, Steven S Vogt, Bradford Holden, Yicheng Rui, 2023. Revised orbits of the two nearest Jupiters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 525, Issue 1

Fabo Feng, and R. Paul Butler and Steven S. Vogt and Matthew S. Clement and C. G. Tinney and Kaiming Cui and Masataka Aizawa and Hugh R. A. Jones and J. Bailey and Jennifer Burt and B. D. Carter and Jeffrey D. Crane and Francesco Flammini Dotti and Bradford Holden and Bo Ma and Masahiro Ogihara and Rebecca Oppenheimer and S. J. O’Toole and Stephen A. Shectman and Robert A. Wittenmyer and Sharon X. Wang and D. J. Wright and Yifan Xuan, 2022. 3D Selection of 167 Substellar Companions to Nearby Stars. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 262, 21 (Press release: TDLI, SJTU)

Fabo Feng, R Paul Butler, Hugh R A Jones, Mark W Phillips, Steven S Vogt, Rebecca Oppenheimer, Bradford Holden, Jennifer Burt, Alan P Boss, 2021. Optimized modelling of Gaia–Hipparcos astrometry for the detection of the smallest cold Jupiter and confirmation of seven low-mass companionsMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 507, Issue 2, pp.2856-2868 (Press release: TDLI)

Feng, F., Shectman, S.A., Clement, M.S., Vogt, S.S., Tuomi, M., Teske, J.K., Burt, J., Crane, J.D., Holden, B., Wang, S.X. and Thompson, I.B., 2020. Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. III. Detection of 10 New Planets, 3 Planet Candidates, and Confirmation of 3 Planets around 11 Nearby M DwarfsThe Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series250(2), p.29.

Feng, F., Butler, R.P., Shectman, S.A., Crane, J.D., Vogt, S., Chambers, J., Jones, H.R., Wang, S.X., Teske, J.K., Burt, J. and Diaz, M.R., 2020. Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. II. detection of five new planets, eight planet candidates, and confirmation of three planets around nine nearby M dwarfsThe Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series246(1), p.11. (media coverage: CNN, ScienceDaily, FOX, Space, Sky News, DailyMail, Centauri Dreams blog, etc.; I was invited to write a public article for the Nature Research Astronomy Community.)

F. Feng, G. Anglada-Escude, M. Tuomi, H. R. A. Jones, J. Chaname, P. R. Butler, M. Janson 2019, Detection of the nearest Jupiter analog in radial velocity and astrometry data, MNRAS, 490, 5002

F. Feng, M. Lisogorskyi, H. R. A. Jones, S. M. Kopeikin, R. P. Butler, G. Anglada-Escude, A. P. Boss 2019, PEXO: a global modeling framework for nanosecond timing, microsecond astrometry, and μm/s radial velocities, ApJS, 244, 39

F. Feng, J. D. Crane, S. X. Wang, J. K. Teske, S. A. Shectman, M. R. Díaz, I. B. Thompson, H. R. A. Jones, R. Paul Butler 2019, Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. I. 15 Planet Candidates Found in PFS Data, ApJS, 242, 2

F. Feng, H. R. A. Jones 2018, Probabilistic galactic dynamics I – the Sun and GJ 710 with Monte Carlo, linearized and unscented treatments, MNRAS, 483, 3971

F. Feng, H. R. A. Jones 2018, `Oumuamua as a messenger from the Local Association, APJL, 852, L27 (media coverage: ScienceNews, The Independent, Newsweek,, Phys.Org, etc; I have also reported my work on The Conversation.)

F. Feng, H. R. A. Jones 2018, Understanding Fomalhaut as a Cooper pair, MNRAS, 474, 4412

F. Feng, H. R. A. Jones 2018, Was Proxima captured by alpha Centauri A and B?, MNRAS, 473, 3185 (media coverage: IFLScience, New Scientist, Gizmodo)

F. Feng, M. Tuomi, H. R. A. Jones, J. Barnes, G. Anglada-Escude, S. Vogt, R. P. Butler 2017, Color difference makes a difference: four planet candidates around tau Ceti, AJ, 154, 135 (media coverage: CNN, Daily Mail, BBC, Gizmodo, Sky News, Sky & Telescope, etc.)

F. Feng, M. Tuomi, H. R. A. Jones 2017, Evidence for at least three planet candidates orbiting HD20794,A&A , 605, A103

F. Feng, M. Tuomi, H. R. A. Jones 2017, Agatha: Disentangling periodic signal from correlated noise in a periodogram framework, MNRAS, 470, 4794, the corresponding online application is available at ht

F. Feng, M. Tuomi, H. R. A. Jones, R. P. Butler, S. Vogt 2016, A Goldilocks principle for modeling radial velocity noise, MNRAS, 461, 2440

F. Feng, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2015, Finding the imprints of stellar encounters in long-period comets, MNRAS, 454, 3267

F. Feng, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2015, Pleistocene deglaciations paced by variations of the Earth’s orbit, Quaternary Science Review, 122, 166

F. Feng, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2014, Exploring the role of the Sun’s motion in terrestrial comet impacts, MNRAS, 442, 3653

F. Feng, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2013, Assessment of the influence of the astronomical phenomena on the Earth’s biosphere, ApJ, 768, 152

F. Feng 2012, Radio jets and galaxies as cosmic string probes, Frontiers of Physics, 7, 461

Peer reviewed (29 coauthored)

Mengrui Pan, Beibei Liu, Anders Johansen, Masahiro Ogihara, Su Wang, Jianghui Ji, Sharon X. Wang, Fabo Feng, Ignasi Riba, 2024. Forming Giant Planets Around Late-M Dwarfs: Pebble Accretion and Planet-Planet Collision. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 682, A89, 21


JUST Team, et al. 2024. The Jiao Tong University Spectroscopic Telescope Project. Astronomical Techniques and Instruments, 1(1): 16−30.

Guang-Yao Xiao, Fabo Feng, et al. 2024. HD 222237 b: a long-period super-Jupiter around a nearby star revealed by radial-velocity and Hipparcos–Gaia astrometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 534, Issue 3, November 2024, Pages 2858–2874

Kaiming Cui, D. J. Armstrong, and Fabo Feng 2024. Identifying Light-curve Signals with a Deep-learning-based Object Detection Algorithm. II. A General Light-curve Classification Framework, ApJS 274 29

Wang, Wenting; Zhu, Ling; Jing, Yipeng; Grand, Robert J. J.; Li, Zhaozhou; Fu, Xiaoting; Li, Lu; Han, Jiaxin; Li, Ting S.; Feng, Fabo; Frenk, Carlos, 2023. Unraveling the Complexity of Dwarf Galaxy Dynamics: A Study of Binary Orbital Motions, The Astrophysical Journal, 956, 91

Xiaoying Pang, Yifan Wang, Shih-Yun Tang, Yicheng Rui, Jing Bai, Chengyuan Li, Fabo Feng, M. B. N. Kouwenhoven, Wen-Ping Chen, and Rwei-ju Chuang, 2023. Binary Star Evolution in Different Environments: Filamentary, Fractal, Halo, and Tidal Tail Clusters, The Astronomical Journal, 166, 110

Laliotis Katherine.;Burt Jennifer A..;Mamajek Eric E..;Li Zhexing.;Perdelwitz Volker.;Zhao Jinglin.;Butler R. Paul.;Holden Bradford.;Rosenthal Lee.;Fulton .;Feng Fabo;Kane Stephen R..;Bailey Jeremy.;Carter Brad.;Crane Jeffrey D..;Furlan Elise.;Gnilka Crystal L..;Howell Steve B..;Laughlin Gregory.;Shectman Stephen A..;Teske Johanna K..;Tinney .;Vogt Steven S..;Wang Sharon Xuesong.;Wittenmyer Robert A.. 2023. Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions, 2023. Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions. The Astronomical Journal, 165, 176

Zhang, Hui ; Ge, Jian ; Deng, Hongping ; Yao, Xinyu ; Zhu, Jiapeng ; Zang, Weicheng ; Mao, Shude search by orcid ; Zhu, Wei ; Wang, Sharon Xuesong ; Xie, Jiwei ; Yang, Ming ; Jiang, Chaofeng ; Chen, Dichang ; Wang, Mutian ; Tang, Wei ; Sun, Mengfei ; Willis, Kevin ; Huang, Chelsea ; Ma, Bo ; Wang, Yonghao ; Shen, Rongfeng ; Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas ; Hu, Zhecheng ; Yang, Yanlv ; Feng, Fabo ; Liu, Beibei ; Ye, Quanzhi ; Xiang, Maosheng ; Yu, Jie ; Zhang, Jinghua ; Wu, Yaqian ; Zong, Weikai ; Yuan, Haibo ; Li, Tanda ; Zhao, Yinan ; Zou, Yuanchuan ; Liu, Jinzhong, 2022. Science goals of the Earth 2.0 space mission, SPIE, Volume 12180, id. 1218016 20 pp.

Kaiming Cui, Junjie Liu, Fabo Feng, and Jifeng Liu 2021, Identify Light-curve Signals with Deep Learning Based Object Detection Algorithm. I. Transit Detection, The Astronomical Journal, 163, 23

Tianjun Gan, Sharon Xuesong Wang, Johanna K. Teske, Shude Mao, Ward S. Howard, Nicholas M. Law, Natasha E. Batalha, Andrew Vanderburg, Diana Dragomir, Chelsea X. Huang, Fabo Feng, R. Paul Butler, Jeffrey D. Crane, Stephen A. Shectman, Yuri Beletsky, Avi Shporer, Benjamin T. Montet, Jennifer A. Burt, Adina D. Feinstein, Erin Flowers, Sangeetha Nandakumar, Mauro Barbieri, Hank Corbett, Jeffrey K. Ratzloff, Nathan Galliher, Ramses Gonzalez Chavez, Alan Vasquez, Amy Glazier, Joshua Haislip, 2020, arXiv:2012.04873, MNRAS in press

Burt, J., Feng, F., Holden, B., Mamajek, E.E., Huang, C.X., Rosenthal, M.M., Wang, S., Butler, R.P., Vogt, S.S., Laughlin, G. and Henry, G.W., 2020. A Collage of Small Planets from the Lick–Carnegie Exoplanet Survey: Exploring the Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Mass Regime. The Astronomical Journal161(1), p.10.

Johanna Teske, Sharon Xuesong Wang, Angie Wolfgang, Tianjun Gan, Mykhaylo Plotnykov, David J Armstrong, R Paul Butler, Bryson Cale, Jeffrey D Crane, Ward Howard, Eric LN Jensen, Nicholas Law, Stephen A Shectman, Peter Plavchan, Diana Valencia, Andrew Vanderburg, George Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, Dave W Latham, Sara Seager, Joshua W Winn, Jon M Jenkins, Vardan Adibekyan, David Barrado, Susana CC Barros, David JA Brown, Edward M Bryant, Jennifer Burt, Douglas A Caldwell, David Charbonneau, Ryan Cloutier, Karen A Collins, Kevin I Collins, Nicole D Colon, Dennis M Conti, Olivier DS Demangeon, Jason D Eastman, Mohammed Elmufti, Fabo Feng, Erin Flowers, Natalia M Guerrero, Saeed Hojjatpanah, Jonathan M Irwin, Giovanni Isopi, Jorge Lillo-Box, Franco Mallia, Bob Massey, Mayuko Mori, Susan E Mullally, Norio Narita, Taku Nishiumi, Ares Osborn, Martin Paegert, Jerome Pitogo de Leon, Samuel N Quinn, Michael Reefe, Richard P Schwarz, Avi Shporer, Abderahmane Soubkiou, Sérgio G Sousa, Chris Stockdale, Paul A Strøm, Thiam-Guan Tan, Peter Tenenbaum, Peter J Wheatley, Justin Wittrock, Daniel A Yahalomi, Farzaneh Zohrabi, Benkhaldoun Zouhair, 2020. The Magellan-TESS Survey I: Survey Description and Mid-Survey Results. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.11560.

S. Dreizler, I. J. M. Crossfield, D. Kossakowski, P. Plavchan, S. V. Jeffers, J. Kemmer, R. Luque, N. Espinoza, E. Pallé, K. Stassun, E. Matthews, B. Cale, J. A. Caballero, M. Schlecker, J. Lillo-Box, M. Zechmeister, S. Lalitha, A. Reiners, A. Soubkiou, B. Bitsch, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, P. Chaturvedi, A. P. Hatzes, G. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, D. W. Latham, S. Seager, J. Win, J. M. Jenkins, J. Aceituno, P. J. Amado, K. Barkaoui, M. Barbieri, N. M. Batalha, F. F. Bauer, B. Benneke, Z. Benkhaldoun, C. Beichman, J. Berberian, J. Burt, R. P. Butler, D. A. Caldwell, A. Chintada, A. Chontos, J. L. Christiansen, D. R. Ciardi, C. Cifuentes, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, D. Combs, M. Cortés-Contreras, J. D. Crane, T. Daylan, D. Dragomir, E. Esparza-Borges, P. Evans, F. Feng, E. E. Flowers, A. Fukui, B. Fulton, E. Furlan, E. Gaidos, C. Geneser, S. Giacalone, M. Gillon, E. Gonzales, V. Gorjian, C. Hellier, D. Hidalgo, A. W Howard, S. Howell, D. Huber, H. Isaacson, E. Jehin, E. L. N. Jensen, A. Kaminski, S. R. Kane, K. Kawauchi, J. F. Kielkopf, H. Klahr, M. R. Kosiarek, L. Kreidberg, M. Kürster, M. Lafarga, J. Livingston, D. Louie, A. Mann, A. Madrigal-Aguado, R. A. Matson, T. Mocnik, J. C. Morales, P. S. Muirhead, F. Murgas, S. Nandakumar, N. Narita, G. Nowak, M. Oshagh, H. Parviainen, V. M. Passegger, D. Pollacco, F. J. Pozuelos, A. Quirrenbach, M. Reefe, I. Ribas, P. Robertson, C. Rodríguez-López, M. E. Rose, A. Roy, A. Schweitzer, J. Schlieder, S. Shectman, A. Tanner, H. V. Şenavcı, J. Teske, J. D. Twicken, J. Villasenor, S. X. Wang, L. M. Weiss, J. Wittrock, M. Yılmaz and F. Zohrabi, 2020. A&A, 644, A127

Lisogorskyi, M., Jones, H.R., Feng, F., Butler, R.P. and Vogt, S., 2020. Exploring the robustness of Keplerian signals to the removal of active and telluric features. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society500(1), pp.548-557.

Jennifer A Burt, Louise D Nielsen, Samuel N Quinn, Eric E Mamajek, Elisabeth C Matthews, George Zhou, Julia V Seidel, Chelsea X Huang, Eric Lopez, Maritza Soto, Jon Otegi, Keivan G Stassun, Laura Kreidberg, Karen A Collins, Jason D Eastman, Joseph E Rodriguez, Andrew Vanderburg, Samuel P Halverson, Johanna K Teske, Sharon X Wang, R Paul Butler, François Bouchy, Xavier Dumusque, Damien Segransen, Stephen A Shectman, Jeffrey D Crane, Fabo Feng, Benjamin T Montet, Adina D Feinstein, Yuri Beletski, Erin Flowers, Maximilian N Günther, Tansu Daylan, Kevin I Collins, Dennis M Conti, Tianjun Gan, Eric LN Jensen, John F Kielkopf, Thiam-Guan Tan, Ravit Helled, Caroline Dorn, Jonas Haldemann, Jack J Lissauer, George R Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, David W Latham, S Seager, Joshua N Winn, Jon M Jenkins, Joseph D Twicken, Jeffrey C Smith, Peter Tenenbaum, Scott Cartwright, Thomas Barclay, Joshua Pepper, Gilbert Esquerdo, William Fong, J., 2020. TOI-824 b: A New Planet on the Lower Edge of the Hot Neptune Desert. The Astronomical Journal160(4), p.153.

Teske, J., Díaz, M.R., Luque, R., Močnik, T., Seidel, J.V., Otegi, J.F., Feng, F., Jenkins, J.S., Pallè, E., Ségransan, D. and Udry, S., 2020. TESS Reveals a Short-period Sub-Neptune Sibling (HD 86226c) to a Known Long-period Giant Planet. The Astronomical Journal160(2), p.96.

SV Jeffers, S Dreizler, JR Barnes, CA Haswell, RP Nelson, E Rodríguez, MJ López-González, Nicolás Morales, R Luque, M Zechmeister, SS Vogt, James Stewart Jenkins, E Palle, GAL Coleman, MR Díaz, I Ribas, HRA Jones, RP Butler, CG Tinney, J Bailey, BD Carter, S O’Toole, RA Wittenmyer, JD Crane, F Feng, SA Shectman, J Teske, A Reiners, PJ Amado, G Anglada-Escudé, 2020. A multiplanet system of super-Earths orbiting the brightest red dwarf star GJ 887. Science368(6498), pp.1477-1481.

Errmann, R., Cook, N., Anglada-Escudé, G., Sithajan, S., Mkrtichian, D., Semenko, E., Martin, W., Tanvir, T.S., Feng, F., Collett, J.L. and Jones, H.R., 2020. HiFLEx—A Highly Flexible Package to Reduce Cross-dispersed Echelle Spectra. PASP132(1012), p.064504.

Ilaria Carleo, Davide Gandolfi, Oscar Barragán, John H Livingston, Carina M Persson, Kristine WF Lam, Aline Vidotto, Michael B Lund, Carolina Villarreal D’Angelo, Karen A Collins, Andrew W Howard, Daria Kubyshkina, Rafael Brahm, Antonija Oklopčić, Paul Mollière, Seth Redfield, Luisa Maria Serrano, Fei Dai, Malcolm Fridlund, Francesco Borsa, Judith Korth, Massimiliano Esposito, Matías R Díaz, Louise Dyregaard Nielsen, Coel Hellier, Savita Mathur, Hans J Deeg, Artie P Hatzes, Serena Benatti, Florian Rodler, Javier Alarcon, Lorenzo Spina, Ângela RG Santos, Iskra Georgieva, Rafael A García, Lucía González-Cuesta, George R Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, David W Latham, Sara Seager, Joshua N Winn, Jon M Jenkins, Simon Albrecht, Natalie M Batalha, Corey Beard, Patricia T Boyd, François Bouchy, Jennifer A Burt, R Paul Butler, Juan Cabrera, Ashley Chontos, David Ciardi, William D Cochran, Kevin I Collins, Jeffrey D Crane, Ian Crossfield, Szilard Csizmadia, Diana Dragomir, Courtney Dressing, Philipp Eigmüller, Michael Endl, Anders Erikson, Nestor Espinoza, Michael Fausnaugh, Fabo Feng, Erin Flowers, Benjamin Fulton, Erica J Gonzales, Nolan Grieves, Sascha Grziwa, Eike W Guenther, Natalia M Guerrero, Thomas Henning, Diego Hidalgo, Teruyuki Hirano, Maria Hjorth, Daniel Huber, Howard Isaacson, Matias Jones, Andrés Jordán, Petr Kabáth, Stephen R Kane, Emil Knudstrup, Jack Lubin, Rafael Luque, Ismael Mireles, Norio Narita, David Nespral, Prajwal Niraula, Grzegorz Nowak, Enric Palle, Martin Pätzold, Erik A Petigura, Jorge Prieto-Arranz, Heike Rauer, Paul Robertson, Mark E Rose, Arpita Roy, Paula Sarkis, 2020. AJ 160 114

N Astudillo-Defru, R Cloutier, SX Wang, J Teske, R Brahm, C Hellier, G Ricker, R Vanderspek, D Latham, S Seager, JN Winn, JM Jenkins, KA Collins, KG Stassun, C Ziegler, JM Almenara, DR Anderson, E Artigau, X Bonfils, F Bouchy, C Briceño, RP Butler, D Charbonneau, DM Conti, J Crane, IJM Crossfield, M Davies, X Delfosse, RF Díaz, R Doyon, D Dragomir, JD Eastman, N Espinoza, Z Essack, F Feng, P Figueira, T Forveille, T Gan, A Glidden, N Guerrero, R Hart, Th Henning, EP Horch, G Isopi, James S Jenkins, A Jordán, JF Kielkopf, N Law, C Lovis, F Mallia, AW Mann, JR de Medeiros, C Melo, RE Mennickent, L Mignon, F Murgas, DA Nusdeo, F Pepe, HM Relles, M Rose, NC Santos, D Ségransan, S Shectman, A Shporer, JC Smith, P Torres, S Udry, J Villasenor, JG Winters, G Zhou, 2020. A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS. Astronomy & Astrophysics636, p.A58.

Matías R Díaz, James S Jenkins, Fabo Feng, R Paul Butler, Mikko Tuomi, Stephen A Shectman, Daniel Thorngren, Maritza G Soto, José I Vines, Johanna K Teske, Diana Dragomir, Steven Villanueva, Stephen R Kane, Zaira M Berdiñas, Jeffrey D Crane, Sharon X Wang, Pamela Arriagada, The Magellan/PFS Exoplanet Search: a 55-d period dense Neptune transiting the bright (V = 8.6) star HD 95338, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 4, August 2020, Pages 4330–4341

RP Butler, HRA Jones, F Feng, M Tuomi, G Anglada-Escude, Sandy Keiser 2019, A Reanalysis of the UVES M Dwarf Planet Search Program, AJ in press

R. Luque, E. Palle, D. Kossakowski, S. Dreizler, J. Kemmer, N. Espinoza, J. Burt, G. Anglada-Escude, V. J. S. Bejar, J. A. Caballero, K. A. Collins, K. I. Collins, M. Cortes-Contreras, E. Diez-Alonso, F. Feng, A. Hatzes et al. 2019, A planetary system around the nearby M dwarf Gl 357 including a transiting hot Earth- sized planet optimal for atmospheric characterisation, A&A 628 A39

M. Lisogorskyi, H. R. A. Jones, F. Feng 2019, Activity and telluric contamination in HARPS observations of Alpha Centauri B, MNRAS, 485, 7731

I. Ribas, M. Tuomi, A. Reiners, R. P. Butler, J. C. Morales, M. Perger, S. Dreizler, C. Rodríguez-López, J. G. Hernandez, A. Rosich, F. Feng, et al. 2018, A candidate super-Earth planet orbiting near the snow line of Barnard’s star, Nature, 563(7731), 365

M. Diaz, J. S. Jenkins, M. Tuomi, R. P. Butler, M. G. Soto, J. K. Teske , F. Feng, S. A. Shectman, P. Arriagada, J. D. Crane , I. B. Thompson and S. S. Vogt 2018, The test case of HD26965: difficulties disentangling weak Doppler signals from stellar activity, AJ, 155, 126

R. Barnes, S. V. Jeffers, G. Anglada-Escude, C. A. Haswell, H. R. A. Jones, M. Tuomi, F. Feng, J.S. Jenkins, P. Petit 2016, Recovering planet radial velocity signals in the presence of starspot activity in fully convective stars, MNRAS, 466, 1733

W. Domainko, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones, F. Feng 2013, A history of the gamma-ray burst flux at the Earth from Galactic globular clusters, MNRAS, 432, 258


Ge, Jian ; Zhang, Hui ; Zang, Weicheng ; Deng, Hongping ; Mao, Shude ; Xie, Ji-Wei ; Liu, Hui-Gen ; Zhou, Ji-Lin ; Willis, Kevin ; Huang, Chelsea ; Howell, Steve B. ; Feng, Fabo ; Zhu, Jiapeng ; Yao, Xinyu ; Liu, Beibei ; Aizawa, Masataka ; Zhu, Wei ; Li, Ya-Ping; Ma, Bo; Ye, Quanzhi, etc.. 2022, ET White Paper: To Find the First Earth 2.0, arXiv: 2206.06693

F. Feng, H.R.A. Jones and T.S. Tanvir 2018, A catalogue of close encounter pairs, arXiv:1707.05277.

F. Feng, M. Tuomi and H.R.A. Jones 2012, Minimizing the bias in exoplanet detection-application to radial velocities of LHS 1140, arXiv:1807.02483


Investigations into the impact of astronomical phenomena on the terrestrial biosphere and climate 2015

F. Feng

MPI for Astronomy

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