Lab & Equipment

Located at the lowest floor of our Building, our laboratory features extremely low floor-vibration level and acoustic-noise level, both of are crucial for operation of any scanning probe microscope in its best condition.

Our Unisoku USM1300 ultra-high vacuum, low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/ atomic force microscopy (STM/AFM) machine can work at its base temperature of 300 mK (hold time >= 96 hours), and in external magnetic field of 2 T applied along any direction. With all its state-of-the-art features, our STM/AFM machine is capable of:

  • Studying superconductivity related features;
  • Measure electronic structure via spectroscopic imaging/quasi-particle interference;
  • Map out spin texture and spin excitation;
  • Study molecular vibrations by means of inelastic tunneling electron spectroscopy.
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