I. From Earth to Extraterrestrial Civilization (从地球到系外文明)
- Three teachers for this course: Masahiro Ogihara, Xianyu Tan, and Fabo Feng
- Content: astrophysical impact on terrestrial phenomena, planet formation, exoplanet detection, planet atmosphere, and astrobiology, exolife, interstellar travel, and extraterrestrial intelligence
- Homework: three hands-on projects for students to choose
- Final exam: get results for a chosen project and present them
Slides are available online: https://sjtu.educoder.net/paths/6l7ythxe
II. Classical Mechanics (经典力学或分析力学)
- 4 credit points, 64 hours, 2nd-year undergraduate course in the autumn semester
- Introduction of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalization of classical mechanics
- Motions of rigid body, top, vibration, scattering process
- Poisson brackets, canonical transformation, least-action principle, special relativity
- Reference textbooks (see below)

III. Discussion about frontiers of astrophysics (天体物理前沿讨论或称“文献阅读课”)
- Students present papers and write essays
- Comments from teacher and students on the presentation and essay
- Four criteria for assessment: clear, critical thinking, rigorous, and other elements such as figures and tables
- Each student will fill in a grading form for the presenter and essay writer
Introduction slides: