T. D. Lee Fellow of TDLI
- Synergizing Astrometry, Radial Velocity, and Direct Imaging in the Study of Jupiter-like Exoplanets, 中西双边银河系和系外行星研讨会, Zhuhai, China, 2024-12
- Astrometric detection of exoplanets, dark objects and GWs, UDP, Sandiago, Chile, 2024-11
- Astrometric detection of exoplanets, dark objects and GWs, High precision astrometry post-Gaia: from habitable planets, blackholes to dark matter, Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China, 2024-11
- Confirmation of a cold-Jupiter around a metal-polluted white dwarf with Gaia, 2024年全国行星科学大会, Nanjing, China, 2024-10
- Hybrid Population Synthesis Based on Astrometric Detection of Substellar Companions, AOGS2024, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Korea,2024-06
- Jiao-Tong University Spectroscopic Telescope (JUST), 第十届中澳天体物理学研讨会, Guangzhou, China, 2024-05
- PEXO: a Global Modeling Framework for ns Timing, μas Astrometry and μm/s RV, The 32nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Shanghai,2023-12
- A population of mutually inclined multi-planet systems, Exoplanets & Planet Formation Workshop, 北京延庆, 2023-12
- Develop astrometry periodogram for hunting dark companions, 2023年林桥奖评选, 南京,2023-08
- Top-down or bottom-up planet formation, 中国天文年会, 威海,2023-08
- 基于Gaia协同探测技术的系外行星普查研究, 地球系统科学大会, 上海,2023-07
- Gaia带来极致天体探测的革命,seminar,三峡大学天文与空间科学研究中心, 2023-06
- 从系外行星到黑洞— 结合多种方法搜寻极致天体, 天空论坛,南京大学, 2023-06
- Exoplanet demographics in Gaia era, 2023 International Conference of Deep Space Sciences, 合肥,2023-04
- Rare object hunting through the ET+LAMOST +Gaia synergy, LAMOST-ET协同研究讨论会,北京, 2023-04
- Detect Solar System analogs through multiple methods, 三亚第五届青年行星论坛,三亚 2023-03
- 开启综合性探测和刻画系外行星的新时代,北京师范大学天文系,Dec. 27, 2022
- 从恐龙灭绝到第二个太阳系:浅谈交叉复合型人才在原始创新中的重要作用,浦东国际人才港论坛,Dec. 7,2022
- 寻找第二个太阳系,复旦大学天文学会,Nov. 28, 2022
- Towards the discovery of solar system analogs, 中国科学院国家天文台GTC课堂,Nov. 23, 2022
- Explore the boundary between planet and star formation with a 3D selection of 167 substellar companions, University of Warwick seminar,Nov. 16, 2022
- 寻找人类第二个家园,第二届“闻道”中学物理教师科学前沿专题培训,李政道研究所,Aug. 2022
- Astrometric detection of exoplanets, The Lin-Bridge Exoplanet Symposium,Nanjing University, July 30, 2022
- A comprehensive survey of substellar companions based on combined RV and astrometry method, 清华大学天文系colloquium,April 14, 2022
- 寻找第二个太阳系,CUSPEA之家讨论会,Dec. 24,2021
- 用视向速度和天体测量大规模搜寻褐矮星和冷巨行星,中国天文学会2021天文年会CAS2021,Dec. 4, 2021
- Brown dwarf desert or valley?上海交通大学天文系colloquium,Sep. 29, 2021
- ET as an exomoon and black hole hunter, 地球2.0凌星巡天空间卫星科学研讨会,2020,上海天文台(SHAO),invited talk
- Detect and characterize exoplanets using Gaia and Hipparcos data, Chesapeake Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting,2020, Carnegie Institution of Washington,contributed talk
- Avoid bias in barycentric correction for the detection of Earth twins, Chesapeake Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting, 2020, contributed talk
- PEXO, a package for precise exoplanetology, Chesapeake Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting, 2019, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, contributed talk
- Toward the discovery of Earth analogs, TDLI, SJTU, Shanghai, 2017, invited seminar talk
- Interstellar climate in the network of stars, SHAO, Shanghai, China, 2017, invited talk in group meeting
- Agatha: disentangling periodic signals from correlated noise, EPRVIII workshop, Penn State Univeristy, US, 2017, invited planetary talk
- Oort Cloud, LDAS, Letchworth, UK, 2016, invited public talk
- Comet impacts, glaciations and mass extinction NAOC, Beijing, 2015, invited seminar talk
- Presentation in the GREAT ITN Final Conference — “The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia” in Barcelona (01.12.2014-05.12.2014): Assessing the influence of astronomical phenomena on the Earth
- Dissertation talk in 223rd ASS in Washington D.C. (05.01.2014-09.01.2014):Dynamical models for the impact rate and angular distribution of long period comets
- Presentation in EWASS 2013 in Turku (08.07.2013-12.07.2013):The history of comet impacts modulated by the solar motion
- Presentation in EPSC 2012 in Madrid (23.09.2012-28.09.2012):Assessing the influence of astronomical phenomena on the Earth’s biosphere
- Presentation in the GREAT ITN WP3 Kick-off meeting held in Heidelberg (14.02.2012-15.02.2012): Assessing of the influence of astronomical phenomena on the Earth’s biosphere